Jiyan Welcomes Director General of Survivors Affairs, Ms. Sarab Elias to Chamchamal
On June 21st 2022, Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights welcomed a very special guest, Ms. Sarab Elias Director General of Survivors Affairs established under the Yazidi Female Survivors Law (YSL). Jiyan staff welcomed Director Elias at the Psychosomatic Trauma Clinic for Women in Chamchamal where our staff provides stabilization treatment, psychotherapy and psychoeducation to primarily Yazidi women and their children.
We provided the Director General with an overview of Jiyan’s work focusing on the Trauma Care and Health Program and Psychosomatic Clinic in Chamchamal. Yazidi survivors staying here had an opportunity to pose questions and engage with Ms. Elias regarding the YSL.
The visit ended with a tour of Jiyan’s Chamchamal Treatment Center and the Healing Garden, a unique facility made from renewable materials that serve women and children who have experienced violence and persecution. Most importantly, The Healing Garden is designed to provide optimal conditions for conducting animal-assisted interventions and horticultural therapy.
Jiyan Foundation extends its full support to Director Elias and honors her commitment to making #YSL a reality. Jiyan’s Chairman Mr. Salah Ahmad pledged full support for all future endeavors aimed at delivering on YSL promises.
How Jiyan Foundation worked to support the Yazidi Female Survivors Law
Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights founded the Coalition for Just Reparations, an alliance of Iraqi civil society organizations (CSOs), representing Iraq’s linguistic, ethnic and religious diversity, supporting reparation claims of survivors and other victims of crimes perpetrated during the conflict with the self-declared Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS conflict in Iraq). Together, members of the Coalition worked toward ensuring the passing and effective implementation of the Yazidi Female Survivors Law. You can read the full C4JR success story here.
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